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SEO Complete Guide for Wordpress

The Important Of Domain Name

Kamis, 18 November 2010
The domain name is the entry to your site. The address people type in their browsers to get to it. You need to pay attention to it, because your company name will not always be the best domain name you can get for your website. There are certain considerations you should keep in mind when choosing the domain name you will use:

· your domain name should be easy to remember for the intended audience
· your domain name should contain keywords so it helps your site positioning in search engines.

With these in mind, you will soon discover that is not always the best alternative. It depends on whether you have a well established company, with a known name, or you are starting your business.

The domain name is a tool you can use to help your business grow. So don't miss the opportunity. Spend the necessary time thinking about possible domain names, and trying to find their good and bad aspects.

A good idea is to get more than one domain name and point them to the same website. So if people type or they type they get to the same website. This way you can still use your company name as domain name, and also some other keyword rich name you register.

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